Price : Send enquiry for price

This product is straight with serrated tips

Size: 240 mm

SKU: SMS-02-3520


Cheron Sponge Forceps

It also known as Cheron Dressing Forceps are used for holding swabs and dressings in gynecological procedures. Their long length makes them good for use in IUD insertion and removal procedures. The handles of this instrument are angled sideways so the users hands do not obstruct the view of the surgical site. This product is straight with serrated tips and a length of 240 mm.
Surname Cheron
Length 240 mm
Instrument Type Dressing – Sponge Forceps
Curvature Straight
Working Surface Style Serrated
Material Stainless Steel
Disposable or Reusable Reusable
Sterile or Non-Sterile Non-Sterile
Latex or Latex-Free Latex-Free
Grade Premium OR-Grade